Friday, July 6, 2007


Yes... we are still waiting for our official invitation to come to China and get our daughter. But we are making good use of our time. We are rounding up all the supplies that we have been gathering for months to take to an orphanage in Beijing, H.F.H. These babies in H.F.H. are helped so greatly by Dr. H and her husband and their team dedicating their lives to these children. On their wonderful Website for H.F.H. there is a "needs" tab and the needs are segregated by things that are difficult or impossible to get in China and things that can be purchased there. I try to focus on things they cannot get there.

A good friend of mine's wonderful daughter held a fund-raising garage sale for HFH this Spring and raised over $600.00 !! We are taking that money and purchasing prescription medications to take with us to deliver to HFH. Our family doctor is willing to write the prescriptions for us in the name of H. F. H. and a locally owned pharmacy is willing to sell us the meds at just over cost (HUGE SAVINGS!). I am so excited to get these much needed meds to them so they can focus on helping these children survive rather than seeking supplies.

We are also taking 19 baby quilts. I have quilting friends and they spread the word and we all made a few quilts each. Last trip I focused on premature baby clothes and pediatric colostomy bags. I am thrilled to say that through a friend in Canada that I shared the need for pediatric colostomy bags, he found a FREE, LIFE-TIME supply for HFH!!! This trip my focus is supplies needed to repair clubbed feet. I went to a couple local orthopedic factories here that specialize in corrective foot insoles, that type of thing. They use some of the same supplies that Dr. H needs. I asked them for donations and I received over 200 rools of casting tape!! Praise God!! I'm not sure how it's all going to fit or get in under the weight limit for the luggage but I know it will somehow!!

I am so excited to meet our daughter but I can't tell you how excited I get helping people to help Orphans!
One thing I have discovered is that it takes many wonderful people (some of you are reading this now), to be able to work together to richly bless these babies. I want to thank those of you who have helped me reach these goals. Some of you sponsored one of the medications needed, some of you used your talent to create blankets, some of you said "yes" to donating funds, some of you carried the supplies to China, some of you "knew someone" who " knew somone" to get the answers needed, some of you pray for safe arrival of the supplies, some of you spread the word about HFH and their needs, some of you said "yes" when you were in a position to donate, some of you donated your time to organize the collection of supplies. Indeed it takes many of us, but it is so worth it. It just spreads the blessings farther! God bless you for building up your treasure in heaven.
Consider finding an orphanage you can connect with and help on an on-going basis. We may not all be able to quit our jobs and move to another country but we can help from right where we are!